Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

İt is the policy of "WELT" LLC that its operations shall be carried out with the greatest regard for the health and safety of all workers.
Management believes that safety and efficient production go hand-in-hand.
Every effort will be made:

• to prevent injury to our employees by taking all possible steps to improve working conditions and practices.

• In order to ensure the safety of our workers, the company has developed this health and safety program manual with company policies and procedures that everyone must follow at all times.
To enforce these procedures, management will make routine checks of the work place.

• "WELT" LLC functions in full conformity with all safety laws AR, regulations, codes, rules and internal standards to ensure the safety and protection of all those working in our company. All workers are also expected to comply with the law and company job requirements.

• Our incident prevention program must have the co-operative efforts of both the workers and management in order to be successful. Everyone must help recognize and eliminate hazards as they are found. With the daily commitment and support of everybody, we can work together as a team to reduce job hazards and maintain an efficient and safe operation.

The authority of the company is pleased to take the main line of H&S policy as by following all existing policy of H&S, providing all necessary conditions and resources to ensure the realization of that and carrying out all these features for personal’s attention.

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Our key customers

Halliburton, AZERİ Mİ, Oceaneering, UBOC, SOCAR Drilling Trust, VAM, Azmicon, Premium Mining, Azmədənistehsal, AAS ATE, Glensol, ATR Caspian, AVRORA, Baku Engineering, Azertexnolayn, Techpro DC, Global Energy/Neftchala Operating Company and AAC Gobustone

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